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Episode 1442

Air Date: April 29, 1975
Previous Episode: 1441
Next Episode: 1443

Mister Rogers arrives with a book about birds and talks about the many different types of birds in the world.

At the McFeelys' house, Mister Rogers watches as Mr. and Mrs. McFeely take pictures in their yard. Inside, they share photos and a film from a picnic they enjoyed with their family long ago.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Queen Sara Saturday talks to Lady Aberlin about her memories of when she was a little girl living in Westwood. King Friday waits for Mr. McFeely to return from his quest to find a rainbow.

On MGR-TV, Lady Elaine Fairchilde hosts Feathered Friends -- a program featuring birds from around the Neighborhood. The program breaks into an on-the-spot report from Mr. McFeely who reports from Westwood that no one there has seen a rainbow for quite some time.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers shows pictures of nests from the bird book.


All Color Book of Birds is available for purchase through Amazon.

Looking at pictures in the McFeelys' album, Rogers refers to Mrs. McFeely's father as "Mr. Nadas" -- a reference to the real-life name of the actress portraying Mrs. McFeely (Betsy Nasas Seamans).

Mr. McFeely sings a special "rainbow" version of the Speedy Delivery song.

Appearing In This Episode




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, Betsy Nadas, David Newell, Mary Sweenie
"McFeely Picnic" film by Joe Seamans
All Color Book of Birds - Octopus Books LTD (London), Bounty Books (New York, New York)
Executive Producer: Fred Rogers
Produced and Directed by Bill Moates
Music Director: John Costa

Produced by Family Communications, Inc. in association with WQED, Pittsburgh

The people who gave the money to make this television visit are the people of Public Television Stations, Ford Foundation, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Sears-Roebuck Foundation, and Johnson & Johnson

© 1975, Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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