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Episode 1340

Air Date: March 8, 1974
Previous Episode: 1339
Next Episode: 1341

Mister Rogers arrives with three screwdrivers of different size and three corresponding screws. Before he can take a closer look at them, Mister Rogers is visited by Sam Senkow who teaches him how to play story tag. Mr. Senkow also shares a collection of items he has found while working with children in nature.

In the kitchen, Mister Rogers takes a closer look at the screwdrivers and screws he brought with him. He recalls a time he took his father's tools to play with and talks about how part of growing is understanding that some things belong to you and some things do not.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Mr. Allmine returns Daniel's clock to its rightful location. Daniel recognizes that the clock is not "ticking and tocking" properly and uses a screwdriver to make a quick repair. Mr. Allmine recognizes that he can enjoy things without taking them.

Back at the house, Audrey Roth returns to hang the newly cleaned curtains and shares a Funny Fast Film of the Audrey Cleans Everything crew cleaning a stadium.

Mr. McFeely delivers a mobile ordered by Mister Rogers. As he looks at the mobile, Mister Rogers sings Peace and Quiet.


Mister Rogers takes out a wooden sculpture given to him previously by Sam Senkow. He uses this and a screwdriver to represent the castle and Trolley as he begins and ends Make-Believe.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Sam Senkow




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Yoshi Ito, Bert A. Lloyd, Joe Negri, David Newell, Adair Roth, Audrey Roth and Sam Senkow
"A.C.E. at the Stadium" film by Joe Seamans
Directed by Bill Moates
Music Director: John Costa
Bass: Michael Taylor
Percussion: Robert Rawsthorne
Written by: Fred Rogers
Psychological Consultants: Margaret B. McFarland PhD, Albert V. Corrado MD
Film Producer: Laura Perkins
Associate Producers: David Newell, Nan Wheelock
Assistant Producer and Associate Director: Azriel Gamliel
Assistant to the Director: Norma Franklin
Art Director: Jack Guest
Assistant Art Director: David M. Smith
Propmaster: Roy Backes
Lighting Director: Gregory King
Floor Manager: Nick Tallo
Assistant Floor Manager: James Seech
Technical Supervisors: Tom Knight, Ken Anderson
Video Tape Editor: Chet Bednar
Cameramen: Bob Vaughn, David Anthony, Don McCall
Video: Don Williamson
Audio: Dick La Sota

Produced by Family Communications, Inc. in association with WQED, Pittsburgh

The people who gave the money to make this television visit are the people of The Sears Roebuck Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

© 1973, 1974 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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