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Episode 1341

Air Date: March 11, 1974
Previous Episode: 1340
Next Episode: 1342

Mister Rogers arrives with a box of cylinder records and uses them to play a counting game in the kitchen. He takes the records to the McFeelys' house where he is able to play them on an Edison phonograph. The McFeelys show a film about the day they purchased the phonograph from Negri's Music Shop and tell Mister Rogers that Friday is their anniversary.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday and Queen Sara have been reminiscing about their life together. Lady Aberlin shows them a phonograph she has borrowed from Mr. McFeely and King Friday recalls once having a record of his great-great-great-great grandfather. The record, however, was lost during a clean-up campaign at the castle.

At the Museum-Go-Round, Lady Aberlin finds that Lady Elaine Fairchide has the record which she used to make a lamp. Dismantling the lamp, they are able to listen to the recording of King Friday's ancestor reciting a poem.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers talks about pretending and sings You're Growing. The day concludes as Joe Negri stops by with some interesting branches he found on the ground outside.


The film from Negri's Music Shop is from an older time when the shop was owned and operated by Joe Negri's grandfather. In the film, a young Joe is seen helping his gradfather.


In the recording of King Friday's great-great-great-great grandfather, the following poem is recited:

I have a notion to move to the ocean
Ddeclared a king in his tower after thinking for an hour
He traveled for days around his land
He could not find an ocean at hand
Finally the king returned to his tower
He thought and thought for another hour
Then said he so loud and clear, so all could hear
"You know I'm fond of my own pond. I think I'll stay right here."

According to other Neighborhood episodes, King Friday's great-great-great-great grandfather's name was King Monday IX.

Among other tunes, one song played in the film through the McFeely's phonograph is an old-time version of I Like To Take My Time.

Talking about buying the phonograph, the McFeelys reveal that Negri's Music Shop has been owned and operated by three generations of the Negri family.

Appearing In This Episode




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, Betsy Nadas, Joe Negri, David Newell
"Old Time Trolley Ride" film by Laura Perkins, Joe Seamans - Lighting by Gregory King - in cooperation with Arden Trolley Museum and The Music Emporium, Inc.
Directed by Bill Moates
Music Director: John Costa

Produced by Family Communications, Inc. in association with WQED, Pittsburgh

The people who gave the money to make this television visit are the people of The Sears Roebuck Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

© 1973, 1974 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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