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Episode 1162

Air Date: March 30, 1971
Previous Episode: 1161
Next Episode: 1163

Mister Rogers arrives with a pogo stick which he takes outside to demonstrate. After several failed attempts, he explains that some tasks take a lot of practice and patience. Before going back inside, he sings I Like To Take My Time.

Inside, Mister Rogers takes a phone call from Len Schugar -- a professional photographer who will be taking a picture of the Rogers family. After sharing snapshot of his family, he talks about hopping animals and takes out a toy kangaroo.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Corney has made a hopping chair for his new toy kangaroo -- a gift from the Platypus family. Bunny Rabbit, who is visiting the Neighbohrood, tries out the hopping chair as well. Corney has made a hopping chair for big people as well and Lady Aberlin is glad to give it a try.

At the castle, King Friday is talking with two other guests to the Neighborhood -- Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Moose. They join Lady Aberlin at Corney's factory where Captain Kangaroo takes a turn on the hopping chair. Handyman Negri arrives and invites everyone to the castle's M Room where they enjoy a collection of movies from Australia.

Back at the house, Mr. Schugar arrives and prepares to take photographs of the Rogers family. When Mister Rogers' family arrives, they gather near the piano where Mr. Schugar takes pictures as they sing and play It's Such a Good Feeling. Moving to the kitchen, Mr. Schugar takes a few photos of the family standing at the fish tank.

Closing out the day, the Rogers family sings Tomorrow as they depart.


I Like To Take My Time plays as Bunny Rabbit hops in the hopping chair.

Sitting at the piano with his family, Mister Rogers opens a song book -- the 1970 Mister Rogers' Song Book.

Near the end of the episode, Mister Rogers thanks his son Jamie for loaning him the pogo stick.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Captain Kangaroo
  • Jamie Rogers
  • Joanne Rogers
  • John Rogers
  • Len Schugar




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in association with Small World Enterprises Inc. for N.E.T.

Created by Fred Rogers
Produced and directed by Sam Silberman
Music Director: John Costa
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, W.P. Barker, Joe Negri, Jamie Rogers (uncredited), Joanne Rogers (uncredited), John Rogers (uncredited), Len Schugar
Captain Kangaroo: Bob Keeshan
Mr. Moose and Bunny Rabbit: Cosmo Allegretti
Film courtesy of Pan American World Airways

Production funds for this television visit were provided by a grant from the Sears Roebuck Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

© 1971 National Educational Television and Radio Center

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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