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Episode 1740

Topic: Noisy and Quiet
Air Date: February 19, 1999
Previous Episode: 1739 - Noisy and Quiet
Next Episode: 1741 - Go Stop Go
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Mister Rogers arrives with a bag that contains three different noise-makers. After demonstrating each of them, he asks viewers to think about what a quiet-maker might look like. Taking out a tape recorder, he records the sound of one of the noise-makers and plays it back. Playing a separate tape, Mister Rogers shares other sounds such as a bird, a car, and a bell. As the tape plays, he whispers what the sounds are for any viewers who may not be able to hear well.

Chuck Aber stops by dressed to participate in a marching band. Mr. Aber borrows one of the noise-makers and before he leaves, he sings and signs It's the Style to Wear a Smile.

Mister Rogers plays some parade music on his piano before talking about something quiet -- smiles. He shares a picture book about smiles featuring the smiling faces of several of his neighbors.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Neighbor Aber places a costume on top of the Trolley so it can participate in the upcoming parade. Prince Tuesday is using a tape recorder to collect comforting messages for X the Owl and Henrietta Pussycat in hopes of drawing them out for the parade. Lady Aberlin asks Lady Elaine Fairchilde to play the tape for X and Henrietta who are still hiding out in the Museum-Go-Round's S Room (S for "scared" and "safe"). While she waits for Lady Elaine, Lady Aberlin is joined by Neighbor Aber in singing Let's Think of Something to Do.

After listening to the recorded messages, X and Henrietta realize that what they were fearing were nothing more than some of their neighbors wearing costumes. Everyone gathers outside the castle to start the parade.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers plays some parade music on the piano before enjoying some quiet time. Marilyn Barnett stops by for some exercises.


The Neighbors featured in the book of smiling faces include Chuck Aber, Mr. McFeely, Maggie Stewart, Bob Trow, Marilyn Barnett, and Betty Aberlin.

The fish costume worn by Lady Aberlin is the same one worn by Chef Brockett in Episode 1535.

As Marilyn Barnett leaves Mister Rogers' house, Mister Rogers takes a step back and stumbles over the step up to the front door. Rather than reshoot the scene or pretend this did not happen, he recognizes the stumble as he talks to viewers: "Did you see what I did? I nearly fell over this corner here. But if you do exercises, if you start to fall, you can come right back up."


This episode is dedicated to Bob Trow who died on November 2, 1998. It seems likely that the final comments made by Mister Rogers in this episode are said with Mr. Trow in mind: "There are all kinds of ways of remembering people. By their sounds. By their looks. And by the way you feel about them."

Bob Trow died literally days after filming these episodes. As part of Bob Trow's obituary, Fred Rogers commented: "He was such an integral part of the Pittsburgh broadcasting family... And to have been able to work with him last Tuesday and Thursday. One of the last things he said to me was, 'Thank you for having me, Fred.' ...He was an enormous talent, and for him to have been able to offer that to children through the neighborhood all through these years was a great gift... [His personality] was woven through the neighborhood."

Appearing In This Episode




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Chuck Aber, Betty Aberlin, Marilyn Barnett, Lenny Meledandri
Special Thanks To: Ravita's Music
Executive Producer: Fred Rogers
Producer: Margaret Whitmer
Director: Bob Walsh
Editor: Susan Howard
Associate Producer: Michael Johnson
Music Directors: John Costa, Michael Moricz
Production Designer: Kathryn Borland
Art Director: Catherine McConnell
Properties: Andy Vogt
Production Assistants: Diane Highberger, Lenny Meledandri
Production Intern: Patrick Bollinger
Lead Technician: Tom Deluga
Assistant Director: Chelle Robinson
Technical Director: Jim Ochtun
Lighting Director: Frank Warninsky
Floor Managers: Joe Abeln, Jim Seech, Nick Tallo
Video: Don Williamson
Audio: Dick LaSota
Videotape: Bill Moore
Studio Cameras: Don McCall, Marji Murphy, Art Vogel
Scenic Artists: Jenn Bastian, Leah Blackwood, Jim Bruwelheide, Gregg Puchalski, Sarah Smith, Sandra Streiff
Make-Up: Ann Minahan
Musicians: Carl McVicker, Bob Rawsthorne
Videotape Editor: Kevin Conrad
Post Production Sound: Bob Millslagle
Original Scenic Design: Jack Guest
Director of Production: Sam Newbury

Produced in association with WQED/Pittsburgh
A production of Family Communications
© 1999 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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