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Episode 1565

Topic: Celebrations
Air Date: May 9, 1986
Previous Episode: 1564 - Celebrations
Next Episode: 1566 - Playthings
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Upon his arrival, Mister Rogers quickly moves into the newest Neighborhood opera, A Star for Kitty.

Lady Aberlin plays the part of a kitty who loves the stars and would like one for her birthday. The half-moon (Reardon) responds to her birthday wish and tells her that she can ask for anything she wants. Kitty points out a small star that she wants -- a star named Tiny.

Returning to her home, Kitty describes her encounter to her parents (Chef Brockett and Miss Paulificate) who are quite skeptical. Kitty falls asleep while her parents stand by her side.

In Kitty's dream, Half-Moon is in his office attempting to locate Tiny Star and learns that Kitty has come to the sky to help.

Talking to his friend Basketball Star (Chuck Aber), Tiny Star (Daniel Tiger) wants to hide so that Kitty cannot find him and remove him from the sky. He decides to hide inside a large tube of Superbright toothpaste.

Meanwhile, Kitty is talking with Other Half Moon (Royal Trumpeter Adkins) who takes Kitty to learn how to twinkle like a star. At the twinkling class, the instructor (James Michael Jones) has just begun teaching Kitty how to twinkle when Basketball Star arrives and shares his concern with Tiny Star being taken away.

Finding Tiny Star inside the tube of toothpaste, the two Half-Moons learn that Tiny Star does not want to leave the sky. Back at the twinkling class, Kitty is struggling to twinkle but shines brightly after agreeing to leave Tiny Star in his night sky home.

Waking from her dream, Kitty is happy to celebrate her birthday and takes great pride in her own home.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers recaps the opera by talking about how important it is to care for and take care of others.


Sadly, this episode marks the final appearance of John Reardon prior to his death in April of 1988.

This opera's main theme, Tiny Star, is based in content and melody on Fred Rogers' earlier song Find a Star which can be found on the King Friday XIII Celebrates LP.

Near the end of the episode, the mother kitty (Audrey Roth) refers to the father kitty (Don Brockett) as "Bertram." This is clearly a nod to Audrey Roth's husband, Bertram W. Roth.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Paul Spencer Adkins




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Chuck Aber, Betty Aberlin, Paul Spencer Adkins, Don Brockett, Michael Horton, John Reardon, Audrey Roth
Executive Producer: Fred Rogers
Producers: Sam Newbury, Margaret Whitmer
Director: Paul Lally
Music Director: John Costa
Art Director: Jack Guest
Editor: Michael Colonna
Properties: Alexis Samulski
Costume Design: Barbara Anderson
Assistant Costume Designers: Kathy Borland, Dawna Gregory
Production Assistants: Holly Bruwelheide, Lenny Meledandri, Julia Palazzi
Production Interns: Lisa Guttadora, John Williams
Lead Technician: Ken Anderson
Studio Supervisor: Doug Coates
Producation Coordinator: Mark Smukler
Assistant Director: Rich Dwyer
Technical Directors: Jack Arthurs, Steven Zorbas
Lighting Director: Frank Warninsky
Video: Tom Deluga, Don Williamson
Studio Cameras: Jim Ochtun, Don McCall, Bob Vaughn, Art Vogel
Audio: Jerry Cobbs
Videotape: Dick Lasota, Mike Laver
Floor Manager: Nick Tallo
Assistant Floor Manager: Jim Seech
Assistant Lighting Director: Bob Lubomski
Location Production: Michael Boyle, Jim Bruwelheide, John Burdick, Mark Knobil, Mike Kobik, Hughes Television Production Inc.
Carpenters: Patsy Gianella, Rich Karapandi
Scenic Artists: Julie Blair, Diane Bridgeman, Kathleen Corton, Catherine Gianella, Fricka Gray, Elizabeth Hutchings, Gary Kosko, Rhonda Levin, Karin Wagner, Linda Zimmer
Videotape Editor: Kevin Conrad
Videotape Sound: Bob Millslagle
Musicians: Carl McVicker, Bob Rawsthorne, John Wilson
Consultants: Albert V. Corrado M.D., Margaret B. McFarland Ph.D.
"A Star for Kitty" written and composed by Fred Rogers (A.S.C.A.P.), Arranged by John Costa

Produced in association with WQED/Pittsburgh
A production of Family Communications
© 1986 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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