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Episode 1480

Topic: Divorce
Air Date: February 20, 1981
Previous Episode: 1479 - Divorce
Next Episode: 1481 - Competition
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Mister Rogers waits on the porch for a delivery from Mr. McFeely and talks about how waiting can sometimes be fun but other times it can be very difficult. Mr. McFeely arrives within seconds and Mr. Rogers can hardly contain his excitement to show viewers the delivery -- a clown mask. As Mister Rogers tries on the mask, he reminds viewers that it will still be him underneath the mask.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine's eagerness to know what Corney is making has reached its peak as the Clown Delivery Service arrives at the castle with the royal plane-car. The delivery clown (Chuck Aber) removes his mask and talks with Prince Tuesday about divorce. He shares that he is divorced and often feels sad that he does not see his children as regularly as he'd like.

As King Friday and Queen Sara arrive, the plane-car is revealed. Before the royal family takes the plane-car for a test-flight, Corney shows off his latest creation -- pretzels shaped like rocking chairs.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers talks about the importance of sharing true feelings before he takes viewers on a tour of a real airplane.

Returning from the airport, Mister Rogers concludes by singing The Truth Will Make Me Free.


Unlike other episodes from the post-1979 era, the opening does not show text of the week's topic.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Chuck Aber plays the part of the part of a clown deliveryman.

Corney places the pretzel Rockit on a shelf outside the castle -- a shelf that is not present in the scene until Corney arrives. Should it be assumed that Corney brought his own matching shelf to the castle?

This episode is included on the DVD collection Mister Rogers Meets New Friends.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Captain Ron Sessa




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Chuck Aber, Betty Aberlin, Charles Altman, Don Brockett, Debra Hatfield, David Newell, Captain Ron Sessa
Special thanks to: U.S. Air
Executive Producer: Fred Rogers
Associate Producer: Cathy Cohen
Music Director: John Costa
Production Manager: Sam Newbury
Art Director: Jack Guest
Properties: Bonnie McCarter
Technical Supervisor: Ken Anderson
Studio Supervisor: Mark Adelsheim
Production Coordinator: John Cosgrove
Assistant Director: Wayne Morris
Technical Director: Ron Vangura
Lighting Director: Frank Warninski
Video: Tom DeLuga
Studio Cameras: Jack Arthurs, Bob Vaughn, Art Vogel, Steve Zorbas
Studio Audio: Dick LaSota, Al Lawyer
Videotape: Bob Millslagle
Floor Manager: Nick Tallo
Production Crew: Doug Coates, Mark Knobil, Jimmy Seech
Location Camera: Dusty Powers, Joe Seamans
Location Production: Stuart Cody Inc., NorthEast Productions, Mark Knobil, Ed Letteri, Ken Love, Nick Mastandrea, Sam Newbury
Specialty Costumes: Barbara Anderson
Wardrobe: Howard Kaplan, Nancy Palmatier
Carpenters: Rich Karapandi, Patsy Gianella
Scenic Artist: Kathy Clark
Assistant Producers: Patty Lynch, Nancy Mosser
Production Assistants: Lenny Meledandri, Ellen Rosenthal
Musicians: Carl McVicker, Bob Rawsthorne
Produced and Directed by Hugh Martin
Post Production: TPC Communications Inc
Videotape Editor: David Belko
Audio Mixer: Bill Forsythe
Consultants: Albert V. Corrado M.D., Margaret B. McFarland Ph. D.

Produced in association with WQED/Pittsburgh
A production of Family Communications
© 1981 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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