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Daniel Feels Better

Episode: 210b
Air Date: June 1, 2015
Previous Episode: 210a - Miss Elaina Gets Hurt
Next Episode: 211a - Daniel Can't Ride Trolley
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Daniel Tiger is playing hide-and-seek with his baby sister Margaret. When Margaret begins chasing him, Daniel stumbles over one of his toys and hurts his ankle. With his ankle slightly swollen, Mom Tiger decides to take Daniel to see Doctor Anna.

At Doctor Anna's office, she does her best to help Daniel feel comfortable before she begins checking his ankle. After explaining how an x-ray machine works, Doctor Anna takes an x-ray of Daniel's ankle and determines that he has only suffered a minor sprain. She wraps his ankle with a cloth bandage to help it heal.

Daniel make-believes that he can see inside lots of things around him.

Leaving the doctor's office, Daniel finds Katerina Kittycat in the waiting room with her mother. Katerina has hurt her wrist and Daniel reassures her that the doctor's office is nothing to be afraid of.


  • "When you get hurt, find a grown-up to help you feel better."


Appearing In This Episode

Live Action Segment

The live action segment following this episode includes a boy having a cast applied to his arm.



The live action segment is reminiscent of the time Mister Rogers had a cast placed on his arm.

This episode is included on the DVDs Daniel Goes To The Doctor and 20 Tiger Tales.

Among others, the strategy from this episode was used in the special episode, Won't You Sing Along With Me?.



Episode Credits

Story by Angela C. Santomero and Becky Friedman
Written by Jennifer Hamburg
Created by Angela C. Santomero
Based on the work of Fred Rogers

© 2014 The Fred Rogers Company

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