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Episode 1651

Topic: Learning
Air Date: August 24, 1992
Previous Episode: 1650 - Imaginary Friends
Next Episode: 1652 - Learning
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Arriving directly from the Neighborhood school, Mister Rogers reveals that he is trying to learn the Greek language. He shows viewers a book written in Greek and writes the Greek word for "love" on his notepad.

Mister Rogers then sings Many Ways to Say I Love You. Mr. McFeely errantly delivers a collection of whistles to Mister Rogers which were supposed to be delivered to the school. While he is there, however, he demonstrates several of the whistles for Mister Rogers.

As Mister Rogers and Mr. McFeelys it together on the porch, Eileen McNamara also stops by to demonstrate her whislting abilities.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Robert Troll is taking the Neighborhood census by asking questions about everyone's name, address, favorite color, and whether or not the person can whistle.

Meanwhile, Lady Aberlin is doing research on the wind and as she helps out with the Neighborhood census, she learns that X the Owl cannot whistle. Lady Aberlin sings You Are Pretty with Henrietta Pussycat.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers sings You're Growing.


As Mr. McFeely tries to make sense of the delivery mistake, he reveals that the customer number for the Neighborhood school is R144 and Mister Rogers' customer number is R143 -- 1-4-3, referring to the I-Love-You code detailed in Episode 1698.

Before Make-Believe, Mister Rogers tells viewers that he cannot whistle: "There are other things I can do. No one person can do everything."

Full results of Robert Troll's Neighborhood census:

Name: Trolley
Address: Car Barn
Favorite Color: Red
Can You Whistle? Yes

Name: King Friday XIII
Address: The Castle in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe
Favorite Color: Purple
Can You Whistle? Yes

Name: X the Owl
Address: The old oak tree in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe
Favorite Color: Blue
Can You Whistle? No

Name: Henrietta Pussycat
Address: meow-meow house meow-meow old oak tree
Favorite Color: meow-meow Black
Can You Whistle? Yes

Clips from this episode were used in the making of the song/video Garden of Your Mind.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Eileen McNamara




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, Eileen McNamara, David Newell, Bob Trow
Executive Producer: Fred Rogers
Producer: Margaret Whitmer
Director: Bob Walsh
Associate Producer: Adrienne Wehr
Music Director: John Costa

Produced in association with WQED/Pittsburgh
A production of Family Communications
© 1992 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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