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Episode 1520

Topic: Day Care & Night Care
Air Date: April 29, 1983
Previous Episode: 1519 - Day Care & Night Care
Next Episode: 1521 - Conflict
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Mister Rogers arrives with a package of graham crackers and takes viewers along as he visits a factory where graham crackers are made.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Neighbor Aber and Lady Aberlin are decorating the castle to celebrate the return of King Friday and Queen Sara. Meanwhile, at the school, the children talk about times when they are sad or angry. Prince Tuesday shares about his bad dream.

King Friday and Queen Sara are welcomed home from their trip and are informed of Prince Tuesday's dream by Neighbor Aber. Prince Tuesday comes home from school and shares his feelings with his parents.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers talks and shows a film about different types of caregivers. He then sings Many Ways to Say I Love You.


The footage of graham crackers being made was filmed at the Philadelphia Bakery of Nabisco Brands, Inc.

Segments from this week's episodes are featured on the VHS release When Parents Are Away.

The film about caregivers is also seen in Episode 1580.

This episode is included on the Would You Be Mine Collection (DVD).

Appearing In This Episode


  • Bridgette Clark




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Chuck Aber, Betty Aberlin, Charles Altman, Bridgette Clark, Carole Muller, Bob Trow
Special Thanks To: Nabisco Brands, Inc. - Philadelphia Bakery
Executive Producer: Fred Rogers
Producer: Sam Newbury
Director: Paul Lally
Associate Producer: Margaret Whitmer
Music Director: John Costa
Art Director: Jack Guest
Editor: Michael Colonna
Properties: Alexis Samulski
Technical Supervisor: Ken Anderson
Studio Supervisor: Doug Coates
Production Coordinator: John Cosgrove
Assistant Director: Rich Dwyer
Technical Director: Jim Ochtun
Lighting Director: Frank Warninsky
Video: Tom Deluga
Studio Cameras: Don McCall, Bob Vaughn, Art Vogel
Studio Audio: Jim Durham
Videotape: Kevin Conrad
Floor Manager: Nick Tallo
Production Crew: Kate Kearney, Jim Seech
Location Production: Jerry Hughes, Mark Knobil, Joe Seamans, John Sutton
Carpenters: Patsy Gianelli, Rich Karapandi
Choreography: Leslie Anderson
Scenic Artists: Kathy Corton, Dawn Marie Gradkowski, Crispin Gray, Fredericka Gray, Darla Karchella, Anita Kowalsky, Linda Zimmer
Production Assistants: Victoria Gedrys, Deborah Gipson, Lenny Meledandri, Davitt Woodwell
Musicians: Carl McVicker, Bob Rawsthorne
Videotape Editor: Kevin Conrad
Videotape Sound: Bob Millslagle
Consultants: Albert V. Corrado M.D., Margaret B. McFarland Ph.D.

Produced in association with WQED/Pittsburgh
A production of Family Communications, Inc.
© 1983 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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