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Episode 1503

Topic: Make-Believe (Creativity)
Air Date: June 30, 1982
Previous Episode: 1502 - Make-Believe (Creativity)
Next Episode: 1504 - Make-Believe (Creativity)
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Mister Rogers arrives with a small kitten which causes a bit of a distraction as he opens with Won't You Be My Neighbor. After changing his shoes, Mister Rogers explains that he found the kitten outside and believe that it belongs to Chuck Aber. A quick phone call to Mr. Aber lets him know that his kitten has been found.

Arriving quickly by way of his sister's car, Mr. Aber is reunited with his kitten before he sings and slightly altered version of Sometimes People are Good: "Sometimes kitties are good..." Showing viewers the inside of the car, Mister Rogers takes a moment to talk about seat belts, car seats, and other automobile safety. Back inside, Mister Rogers shows a film about workers installing seat belts in cars.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, new safety regulations have been put in to place after Queen Sara's recent accident -- anyone interested in climbing the newly bulit "mountain' must wear a safety belt. The belt is applied to King Friday and he is allowed to climb the mountain to have his tea. Once he reaches the summit, everyone enjoys an imaginary tea party, and King Friday declares that an opera should take place -- a mountain opera -- But no one knows where to find Reardon. Officer Clemmons then shares an operatic song before Lady Elaine arrives via helicoptor (piloted by Chuck Aber) with a sculpture of her head to top the mountain.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers reflects on some previous operas which have taken place in Make-Believe.


Often labeled as the "Creativity" series of episodes, the title of this week's programs is actually "Make-Believe."

Chuck Aber's arrival at the television house in a car is one of only a few instances of an actual car being on set.

Mister Rogers invites Chuck Aber to tell viewers a little about himself: "I'm a pilot and I work for a delivery service. Sometimes I'm a salesman and I like to sing on the side." All of these details factor into this episode in some way.

To conclude the episode, Mister Rogers reflects on past operas performed in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. The clips shown are from Windstorm in Bubbleland (Episode 1475), Key to Otherland (Episode 1425), Potato Bugs and Cows (Episode 1300), and All in the Laundry (Episode 1370).

This episode is included on the DVD Kindness Collection.

Appearing In This Episode




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Chuck Aber, Betty Aberlin, Francois Clemmons
Special thanks to: Centruy Products, Inc., General Motors Assembly Division Plant
Executive Producer: Fred Rogers
Producer: Sam Newbury
Director: Paul Lally
Associate Producer: Margy Whitmer
Music Director: John Costa

Produced in association with WQED/Pittsburgh
A production of Family Communications
© 1982 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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