THE NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHIVE - All Things Mister Rogers | ||
Episode 1133 Air Date: February 17, 1971
In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the Trolley delivers three popsicle sticks to Robert Troll and Daniel Striped Tiger which they pretend are drum sticks before using with a handkerchief to make a doll. Lady Elaine Fairchilde arrives and immediately starts poking Daniel and Robert Troll with a stick -- pretending to be a doctor. After Robert Troll and Daniel explain that doctors use tools to help and do not just go around poking children, Lady Elaine gives Robert Troll a pretend check-up. Back at the house, Mister Rogers explains that sticks do not move themselves -- they require people to move them. Using a television set that Bob Trow has made from clay and sticks, they watch a short animated film about popsicle sticks. After the film, Mister Rogers talks about different ways of talking and Bob Trow (in Robert Troll's voice) sings Troll Talk. Mister Rogers concludes for the day by singing It's You I Like. NotesBefore leaving, Bob Trow rolls the clay into a ball, tosses it to Mister Rogers, and delivers a subtle pun: "I have to go now, friend Fred. But I want you to know, it's been a ball." The film of children making art out of popsicle sticks is seen again later in Episode 1201. In the wide shot at the beginning of the film, Fred Rogers' son John is seen at the table with the other children. During the film, Johnny Costa plays a bit of I'm Interested in Things. This song would not be sung on the Neighborhood until Episode 1139. Appearing In This EpisodeSongsImages
Episode CreditsProduced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in association with Small World Enterpriese, Inc. for N.E.T. Created and Written by Fred Rogers Production funds for this television visit were provided by a grant from the Sears Roebuck Foundation and The Corporation for Public Broadcasting © 1970 National Educational Television and Radio Center |
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