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Episode 1115

Air Date: April 10, 1970
Previous Episode: 1114
Next Episode: 1116

Mister Rogers arrives with Frisky -- his son John's dauchshund puppy. After he gives Frisky a treat, Mister Rogers explains that dauchshunds were once used to hunt badgers. He shares a film about a female dog with her puppies and sings Everybody's Fancy.

John Rogers is finger painting at Bob Trow's workshop and Mister Rogers returns Frisky to his son. As everyone looks at their fingerprints, even Frisky uses his paw to make a print on paper.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Handyman Negri and Lady Aberlin have a royal letter to deliver to Bob Dog on behalf of King Friday. When they cannot find him, they seek out the help of their Neighbors. At Corney's suggestion, they look at Someplace Else where they find Bob Dog with Donkey Hodie. He has run away from Make-Believe fearing that no one will want him around when the royal baby arrives. Opening the letter, Bob Dog is happy to find that King Friday would like him to serve as the royal family's watchdog.

Back at Mr. Trow's workshop, Mister Rogers talks with John about caring for Frisky, then returns to the television house where he concludes by singing I'm Taking Care of You.


At the scene transitions between the house and Bob Trow's workshop, Let's Be Together Today plays in the background.

Appearing In This Episode


  • John Rogers




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in association with Small World Enterpriese, Inc. for N.E.T.

Producer-Writer: Fred Rogers
Associate Producer-Director: David Fu-Ying Chen
Musical Director: Johnny Costa
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, Joe Negri, John Rogers, Bob Trow
Film: Diana Dean, George Boyle
Psychological Consultants: Margaret McFarland Ph.D., Albert V. Corrado M.D.
Assistant Producer: Hedda Sharapan
Lighting Director: Art Siegal
Art Director: Jack Guest
Production Assistant: David Newell
Technical Supervisors: Tom Knight, Ken Anderson
Video Tape Editor: Chet Bednar
Cameramen: Bob Vaughn, Dick Reschoff
Video: Don Williamson
Audio: Chuck Sradomski

Production funds for this television visit were provided by a grant from the Sears-Roebuck Foundation and a children's program fund established by N.E.T. affiliated stations.

© 1970 National Educational Television and Radio Center

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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