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Episode 1049

Air Date: April 17, 1969
Previous Episode: 1048
Next Episode: 1050

Mister Rogers arrives with a recipe and a flour sifter which he takes to the kitchen where he has plans to make a cake for Chef Brockett's birthday. Overwhelmed by the directions, Mister Rogers asks Picture Picture to show a fast film of Chef Brockett making a cake.

Feeling more confident, Mister Rogers begins mixing the ingredients when Chef Brockett stops by the house. Offering his help, Chef Brockett watches as Mister Rogers continues "making a cake for a friend."

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Robert Troll is painting a portrait of the Neighborhood Trolley as a gift for Chef Brockett. X the Owl plans to give Chef Brockett an orange but Henrietta Pussycat cannot decide on a gift. Robert Troll suggests that Henrietta give Chef Brockett a kiss.

At the clock, Daniel Striped Tiger tells Robert Troll that he will give Chef Brockett an ice cube that does not melt as long as it is kept in Make-Believe.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers sings a birthday cake version of You've Got To Do It as he cleans up the kitchen and takes the cake out of the oven. Before concluding for the day, Mister Rogers sings Today is a Special Day.


The funny fast film of Chef Brockett also appears in Episode 1439. A similar (but different) funny fast film appears in Episode 1096.

Appearing In This Episode




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in association with Small World Enterprises, Inc. for N.E.T.

Created and Produced by Fred Rogers
Directed by David Fu-Ying Chen
Musical Director: Johnny Costa
Neighbors: Don Brockett, Bob Trow
Film: Diana Dean, George Boyle
Executive Producer: Paul K. Taff

Production funds for this television visit were provided by a grant from the Sears Roebuck Foundation and a children's program fund established by N.E.T. affiliated stations.

© 1969 National Educational Television and Radio Center

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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