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Episode 1016

Air Date: March 3, 1969
Previous Episode: 1015
Next Episode: 1017

Mister Rogers arrives with the bottom of a small bird feeder loaned to him by Mr. McFeely. Adding a glass and water to the feeder, Mister Rogers creates a watering bowl for some "feathered friends" to be delivered by Mr. McFeely. Outside, Mister Rogers finds Mr. McFeely with some small chicks and ducklings. Observing the differences between the chicks and ducklins, Mister Rogers sings You're Growing.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Mr. Anybody is looking forward to playing ball with Robert Troll who is feeling sad that King Friday and Sara Saturday are away on their honeymoon.

Lady Elaine arrives and is glad to play ball with Mr. Anybody. She tries to include Robert Troll in the game but the ball is lost when he does not catch it. The ball is found by someone new to the Neighborhood -- Dr. William Duckbill Bagpipe Platypus IV. Dr. Bill is a veterinarian from Westwood looking for a new place to live. Robert Troll is delighted to see his old friend.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers uses one of the ducklings to explain where the name "duckbill platypus" comes from before Mr. McFeely returns to pick up the birds. Inside, Mister Rogers shares a small carving of a duckbill platypus that was given to him as a gift.


Although Mr. McFeely plays a prominent role in this episode, David Newell is not listed in the credits.

As he looks for the lost ball, Mr. Anybody sings "I'm Looking for a Ball" -- sung to the tune of Looking For a Friend.

Appearing In This Episode




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in association with Small World Enterprises, Inc. for N.E.T.

Created and Produced by Fred Rogers
Directed by David Fu-Ying Chen
Music Director: Johnny Costa
Neighbors: W.P. Barker, Don Francks, David Newell (uncredited), Bob Trow
Executive Producer: Paul K. Taff

Production funds for this television visit were provided by a grant from the Sears Roebuck Foundation and a children's program fund established by N.E.T. affiliated stations.

© 1969 National Educational Television and Radio Center

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Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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