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Episode 1607

Topic: Josephine the Short-Neck Giraffe
Air Date: May 2, 1989
Previous Episode: 1606 - Josephine the Short-Neck Giraffe
Next Episode: 1608 - Josephine the Short-Neck Giraffe
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Mister Rogers arrives with the camera from the day before and takes a picture of the trolley before heading off to see where people process film. There, he meets Larry Pollick and other employees who show him how pictures are developed, printed, and trimed. Returning to the house, he looks through the pictures, ending with the one of the trolley that he took earlier.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Queen Sara and Princess Zelda continue their preparations for the play. Neighbor Aber is asked to play J.R. -- a shy giraffe -- and suggests that Mayor Maggie play the caring woman giraffe. Bob Dog arrives wanting to play the bulldog, but with Princess Zelda's encouragement agrees to be a tree. We also find out that Miss Paulificate is going to be an elephant and Daniel is going to be a flower.

At Someplace Else, Harriett Elizabeth Cow is teaching about flowers that "go to sleep" at night. Daniel and Ana pretend to be flowers waking up, but Prince Tuesday wants to be a flower that stays awake. Together they sing A Perfect Day together.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers wraps up by singing A Perfect Day. Just before he leaves, Mr. McFeely stops by with the negatives from the film processing plant. Mister Rogers gives Mr. McFeely the picture he took of him before they sing It's Such a Good Feeling together.


The film processing plant is owned by Filmet and is located in Pittsburgh.

The package of pictures Mister Rogers brings back from the film processing plant does not contain the picture of the giraffe seen in the form of a negative back at the plant.

Even though he appears briefly at the close of this episode, David Newell is not credited.

This episode is included on the DVD Kindness Collection.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Larry Pollick




Episode Credits

With Fred Rogers
Neighbors: Chuck Aber, Lenny Meledandri, David Newell (uncredited), Larry Pollick, Zelda Pulliam, Audrey Roth, Carole Muller Switala, Bob Trow
Special thanks to Filmet
Executive producer: Fred Rogers
Producer: Margaret Whitmer
Director: Paul Lally
Associate Producer: Adrienne Wehr
Music Director: John Costa

Produced in association with WQED/Pittsburgh
A production of Family Communications
©1989 Family Communications, Inc.

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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