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Deep & Simple

Date: 1999
Author: Bo Lozoff
Publisher: Human Kindness Foundation
ISBN: 9780961444464
Purchase: Amazon (Paperback) | Amazon Kindle | eBay


Copyright © 1999 Human Kindness Foundation


According to the world's great scriptions, the meaning of life is deep and the rules of life are simple. The Holy Ones promise us that we can become radiantly alive, unafraid, shining beacons of goodness and faith. You and I may look within and find that very hard to believe. Yet we hold the devine spark in our hearts, and we are aching to let it become a blazing fire which consumes all our foolishness and despair.


The first interview in the documentary Mister Rogers & Me features a conversation with author Bo Lozoff:

...we got a phone call and my wife answered and said, “Human Kindness Foundation.” It’s an unmistakable voice: “Hello. This is Fred Rogers.”

I talked with him for a little while and he invited us up to the set to talk with his staff and to find out more about FCI – Family Communications – and he told us that he gives out copies of my books and CDs and tapes…There’s something that I wrote in a newsletter long, long ago that Fred said he quoted in just about all his public talks. And that is “The cause of all our personal problems and nearly all the problems of the planet can be summed up in a single sentence: Human life is very deep and our dominant modern lifestyle is not.” And Fred loved that.

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