THE NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHIVE - All Things Mister Rogers | ||
Episode 1555Topic: Families Before Mister Rogers can even get he sneakers tied, he receives a phone call from Mr. McFeely reminding him of a new place in the Neighborhood with live penguins. Before going to see the penguins, Mister Rogers sings It's You I Like. At the "penguin place," Mister Rogers meets Stan Searles who spends some time talking about penguins and how they are different from other animals. Mister Rogers is invited to enter one of the exhibits where he walks among the penguins and learns more about how penguins live. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday and Queen Sara talk to Prince Tuesday about the recent adoption of Carrie Dell. They explain that "adopted children are real children just like all other children." Heading to the clock, Lady Aberlin wants to talk with Daniel who is the only one in the Neighborhood not coming to the cousin reunion. As she waits for Daniel to finish taking a shower, Lady Aberlin sings a short song about showering. Once he is finished, Daniel explains that he is nervous about the cousin reunion because of the phrase "kissing cousins." Much to Daniel's relief, Lady Aberlin assures him that he does not have to kiss anyone if he does not want to. Meanwhile, Bob Dog and Ana Platypus have completed the process of officially adopting each other as cousins. Back at the house, Mister Rogers sings a portion of Many Ways to Say I Love You. NotesThe "penguin place" is Penguin Encounter, a part of Sea World of Ohio. Lady Aberlin's shower song:
Anyone watching the credits closely may notice that a plane flies over the Neighorhood as its shadow can be seen. This episode marks the last time that Prince Tuesday's voice is performed by Charles Altman. Appearing In This Episode
Episode CreditsWith Fred Rogers Produced in association with WQED/Pittsburgh |
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