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Episode 1192

Air Date: May 11, 1971
Previous Episode: 1191
Next Episode: 1193

Mister Rogers arrives with a book of pictures called Look Again! in which readers are to look at a small section of a picture and try to guess what they are looking at. After sharing the book, he sings I Like to Be Told.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Van Cliburn returns to play a piano recital for King Friday. Lady Aberlin asks Mr. Cliburn to wear a costume during the performance to see if the King can recognize who he is.

Inside the castle's Music Room, a fully-costumed Van Cliburn goes unrecognized by the royal couple at first. Once he begins to play the piano, they are certain that their guest is indeed their friend Mr. Cliburn. Removing the costume, Mr. Cliburn continues his performance for the King and Queen.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers is invited to Negri's Music Shop to see a slide trombone that is being repaired by Mr. Negri's friend Joe Dallas. With the trombone repaired, Mr. Negri and Mr. Dallas play Everybody's Fancy.

Returning to his house, Mister Rogers concludes by asking viewers to guess what sounds he is making when his back is turned. The first sound is a crow call and the second is hands clapping.


Look Again! by Tana Hoban is available for purchase through

As the episode transitions to and from Negri's Music Shop, Let's Be Together Today plays in the background.

Mister Rogers mentions that he purchased the crow call at Negri's Music Shop. This purchase took place in Episode 1175.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Joe Dallas
  • Van Cliburn




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in association with Small World Enterpriese, Inc. for N.E.T.

Created by Fred Rogers
Produced and directed by Sam Silberman
Written by Eliot A. Daley, Fred Rogers
Music Director: John Costa
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, Van Cliburn, Joe Dallas (uncredited), Joe Negri
Look Again! by Tana Hoban courtesy of The Macmillan Company

Production funds for this television visit were provided by a grant from the Sears-Roebuck Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

© 1971 National Educational Television and Radio Center

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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