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Episode 1129

Air Date: April 30, 1970
Previous Episode: 1128
Next Episode: 1130

Mister Rogers arrives with two feathers which he found on the way in. After mentioning that birds occasionally lose their feathers and then grow new ones, he talks about children losing their baby teeth.

With a harpsichord in his house for the day, Mister Rogers shows how it is played and shares news that Frances Cole will be visiting later. Playing lightly on the harpsichord, he sings Everybody's Fancy. Ms. Cole arrives and shares a more detailed harpsichord demonstration. Mr. McFeely stops by to escort Ms. Cole to her concert performance.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Cousin Mary Owl arrives for a visit but is having trouble finding X the Owl. She stops at the clock where she spends some time playing with Daniel Striped Tiger before Lady Aberlin directs her towards the tree. Cousin Mary and X are delighted to see each other for the first time since elementary school. When Henrietta Pussycat feels insecure, Lady Aberlin sings You Are Pretty followed by a special "owl" version for Cousin Mary.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers talks about how everyone is special just as they are. He concludes by singing a "special" version of You Are Pretty.


Cousin Mary and X the Owl have not seen each other since OES -- Owl Elementary School. Together they sing an OES version of the Owl Correspondence School song. Lady Aberlin then sings an "owl" version of You Are Pretty. Back at the house, Mister Rogers sings yet another variation of You Are Pretty.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Frances Cole




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in association with Small World Enterpriese, Inc. for N.E.T.

Producer-Writer: Fred Rogers
Associate Producer-Director: David Fu-Ying Chen
Music Director: Johnny Costa
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, Frances Cole, David Newell, Mary Sweenie

© 1970 National Educational Television and Radio Center

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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