THE NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHIVE - All Things Mister Rogers | ||
Episode 1120 Air Date: April 17, 1970 Mr. McFeely stops by a raccoon in a cage which he shows to Mister Rogers on the front porch. They feed crackers to the raccoon which was borrowed from the Neighborhood zoo. Mr. McFeely also delivers an invitation for Mister Rogers to attend a dance rehearsal at Betty's Aberlin's theater. At Betty's Little Theater, Jewel Walker is rehearsing a performance with three friends. Their performance is about a family of raccoons preparing for bedtime. After rehearsing, they all put on their costumes and perform again. Back at the house, Mister Rogers talks about bedtime before singing Please Don't Think It's Funny. NotesSegments of this episode's theater performance appear in Episode 1271 and Episode 1636. This episode does not include a Neighborhood of Make-Believe segment. Appearing In This EpisodeGuests
Episode CreditsProduced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in association with Small World Enterpriese, Inc. for N.E.T. Producer-Writer: Fred Rogers Production funds for this television visit were provided by a grant from the Sears-Roebuck Foundation and a children's program fund established by N.E.T. affiliated stations. © 1970 National Educational Television and Radio Center |
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