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Episode 1063

Air Date: May 7, 1969
Previous Episode: 1062
Next Episode: 1064

Mister Rogers arrives with a few leaves he has collected and takes them to the kitchen where several other leaves are on the table. Comparing the sizes and shapes of the various leaves, he sings Everybody's Fancy.

Lady Aberlin stops by looking for a specific leaf she has lost -- a cardboard leaf made and sent to her by her pretend aunt, Mabel Mercer.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Mr. McFeely is at the Museum-Go-Round to pick up the tree puzzle on loan to Lady Elaine Fairchilde.

Meanwhile, Lady Aberlin is at the factory with the cardboard leaf where she and Corney try unsuccessfully to come up with the right words to make the magic leaf work. Stopping at the tree, Lady Aberlin finds the right words to thank Henrietta Pussycat who has been learning Spanish. Speaking the Spanish word for leaf -- una hoja -- Lady Aberlin is able to see and hear Mabel Mercer singing.

At the castle, Lady Aberlin shares the magic leaf and singing of Mabel Mercer with King Friday and Queen Sara.

Back at the house, Mr. McFeely stops by to return the tree puzzle to Mister Rogers who plans to finish the puzzle tomorrow.


The footage of Mable Mercer was originally seen in Episode 1041 and later used again in Episode 1121.

Although he does not appear on camera, Buddy Barnes is noted in the credits for this episode. Mr. Barnes was Ms. Mercer's accompanist and musical director.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Buddy Barnes
  • Mabel Mercer




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in association with Small World Enterprises, Inc. for N.E.T.

Created and produced by Fred Rogers
Directed by David Fu-Ying Chen
Musical Director: Johnny Costa
Neighbors: Betty Aberlin, Buddy Barnes, Mabel Mercer, David Newell
Executive Producer: Paul K. Taff

Production funds for this television visit were provided by a grant from the Sears Roebuck Foundation and a children's program fund established by N.E.T. affiliated stations.

© 1969 National Educational Television and Radio Center

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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