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Episode 0107

Air Date: July 16, 1968
Previous Episode: 0106
Next Episode: 0108

Mister Rogers arrives with a jump rope which he does his best to demonstrate. After jumping rope for a moment, he takes out a partially woven basket that he has been making as a surprise for Mr. McFeely's upcoming birthday. As he continues work on the basket, Mister Rogers sings You Have To Learn Your Trade.

When Mr. McFeely stops by, Mister Rogers asks viewers to meet him at the door while he hides the basket. According to Mr. McFeely, a group of gymnasts are performing at the castle.

In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the gymnasts -- Bernie Jessol, Lowell Meek, and Akeba Blazia -- perform for King Friday and Sara Saturday.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers talks about the importance of practicing a talent before Chef Brockett visits to remind him that Mr. McFeely's birthday is coming up. As Chef Brockett pretends to cook in the kitchen, Mister Rogers tries to guess what he is planning to make for Mr. McFeely. Of course, Chef Brockett is planning to bake a birthday cake. Picture Picture reveals that Mr. McFeely would like a cake decorated with gum drops.


Although he typically requires silence in the kitchen, Chef Brockett allows talking while pretend cooking.

Appearing In This Episode


  • Akeba Blazia
  • Bernard Jessol
  • Lowell Meek




Episode Credits

Produced by WQED - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for National Educational Television
Neighbors: Akeba Blazia, Don Brockett, Bernard Jessol, Lowell Meek, David Newell
Musical Director: Johnny Costa
Producer: Fred Rogers
Director: David Fu-Ying Chen
Executive Producer: Paul K. Taff

Production funds for this series were provided by a grant from The Sears-Roebuck Foundation and a children's program fund established by N.E.T. affiliated stations.

© 1968 National Educational Television and Radio Center

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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