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Misterogers (CBC, 10/14/1963)

Network: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Air Date: October 14, 1963

Mister Rogers has a new piano which he points out to viewers along with a new shelf on the wall behind him. The shelf displays models of “all kinds of means of transportation.” He very quickly makes mention of Thanksgiving and sends a “Happy Thanksgiving” card on the Trolley to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

In Make-Believe, Edgar Cooke and Henrietta Pussycat are outside the castle discussing the Thanksgiving dinner to be held at the castle. Although her assigned contribution to the dinner was to be potato salad, Henrietta shares to Edgar that she will be bringing hot chocolate instead. Of course, this worries Edgar as he is uncertain how King Friday XIII will react to this change.

Mr. Farmer approaches the castle looking for X the Owl. Edgar informs him that he is not permitted to give directions outside the border of the Trolley tracks, but offers a hint by suggesting Mr. Farmer go in the direction of Daniel’s clock.

At the clock, Daniel Striped Tiger catches Mr. Farmer by surprise but puts mind at ease by singing I’m Tame. Mr. Farmer shows Daniel the live baby turkey he has which needs to be delivered to X the Owl. Daniel mentions that he was asked to bring string beans to the Thanksgiving dinner but has decided to bring hot chocolate instead.

Moving on to the oak tree, Mr. Farmer finds X the Owl who is happy to see that his turkey has arrived. X was asked to bring the turkey to the Thanksgiving dinner and Mr. Farmer is concerned with the size of the small bird. X assures him that the turkey is exactly the size he ordered. To show his gratitude, X sings Today is a Special Day.

With everyone gathering at the castle, King Friday is surprised to see such a small turkey. X the Owl explains that he brought a turkey this size so it wouldn’t eat as much. Having the turkey as a guest for the Thanksgiving dinner was not what King Friday had in mind. Nonetheless, he invites everyone to the castle’s dining room where they will enjoy the hot chocolate.

Back at the house, Mister Rogers talks about being thankful for the little things in life and sings Thank You For Today.


  • This is the first new episode since December 1962. Since then, as Mister Rogers mentions early in the episode, he has a new piano and shelf in his television house.
  • Mr. Farmer is invited to enter the dining room by way of the castle’s “west gate.”

Appearing In This Episode


  • Mister Rogers' House
  • Castle
  • Daniel’s Clock
  • Oak Tree


Memorable Quotes

  • Mister Rogers: “We are thankful for little things and big things in our lives.”



Episode Credits

Created by Fred Rogers
Guest: Tom Kneebone
Music performed by Lou Snider
Assistant Puppeteer: Ernest Coombs
Settings designed by Robert Hackborn
Lighting Direction: Ralph Earl
Audio: Joe Ellison
Technical Producer: Joe Parkinson
Producer: Francis Chapman

A CBC Television production
CBC Radio-Canada

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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