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Misterogers (CBC, 12/12/1962)

Network: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Air Date: December 12, 1962

Misterogers opens by speaking the words to an early version of Misterogers' Invitation. He sits in front of the Neighborhood of Make-believe set with a briefcase labeled "Misterogers" and the Daniel puppet on his hand. Daniel sings the Why Hi Song before explaining that he is dressed up in a jacket because it is a special day in the neighborhood.

Daniel heads over to the clock. Yukon the Monkey is hiding near the clock and informs the viewer that "they're going to make a movie" and that he wants to be in it.

Francis C. Manitoba (Norman Welsh) of Manitoba Movies arrives to film King Friday for a scene in his new movie. Daniel does not want to be in the movie, but X arrives and immediately begins singing I Give a Hoot for You trying to impress him. Manitoba explains that he does not need an owl in the upcoming movie, but will keep X in mind for a part the next time he is filming a mystery story.

In the Castle throne room, Edgar Cooke is helping King Friday prepare for his appearance in the movie. Manitoba arrives and King Friday offers to perform the "pledge to the flag in Latin", "many learned dissertations on various subjects", or (his suggestion) to sing Royalty Relies on Me (which he demonstrates). Manitoba informs him that they will actually be shooting the scene "without sound", in order to "rediscover" the "lost art [form] of the silent movie."

After a flawless rehearsal, they roll the camera for the scene. Because of his confidence in King Friday's talent, Manitoba has brought only enough film to record the scene once. Yukon the Monkey interrupts in the middle of the scene, to the disappointment of King Friday who cries out, "Terrible monkey business!" Manitoba loves the scene and decides to name the movie "Monkey Business", proclaiming that King Friday is not only an excellent actor but a playwright as well!

Manitoba departs and Daniel joins King Friday and Yukon in the castle to sing the So Long Song.


Misterogers only speaks the words to Misterogers' Invitation at the beginning of the episode, including the following verse:
Or find a hanging schoolhouse, suspended from a tree
Where a pussycat and her nine nice mice live most compatibly
And a bright blue owl writes poetry
Yes, they're all right here with me

Below are screenshots of this episode's intro, which is one of the earliest surviving examples of the post-Children's Corner Neighborhood of Make-believe set:

Unlike later years, Mister Rogers is quite strikingly sitting in the middle of the Neighborhood of Make-believe set at the beginning of the episode, and converses with Daniel with his (Fred Rogers') mouth and face fully visible to the camera while voicing the puppet.

Noticing how fancy Francis Manatoba's wrist watch is, Daniel comments, "Oh, you ARE a film producer, aren't you?"

Both hand-puppet and marionette versions of Yukon the Monkey are used at various points in the episode.

Manitoba does not have to call for an appointment with King Friday because King Friday sent him an "open invitation" (a literal physical scroll). It reads "Invitation to call upon us at our Castle on occasion, as may please you. FRIDAY XIII".

I found it interesting that King Friday mentions the "pledge to the flag in Latin", which if it is the same one as was recited on Children's Corner a few years earlier, refers to the United States Pledge of Allegiance, despite this episode being produced and airing in Canada.

The telephone King Friday uses in his scene has nothing on the end of the cord because it is a "stage phone".

Uncharacteristic of commentary on spanking in later years (see the Discipline week of Mister Rogers Neighborhood), Yukon is surprised that Manatoba likes his surprise appearance, as he assumed he would "get a spanking for it", and King Friday attempts to spank him.

As Manatoba departs, a microphone can be seen for a moment in the upper left corner of the screen.

Misterogers is not seen at the end of the episode, but his voice is heard saying, "We're really very glad that you were able to come near, You've made this day a special day by just your being here."

Appearing In This Episode


  • Daniel's Clock
  • Eiffel Tower (intro only)
  • Car Barn (intro only)
  • Telecan booth (intro only)
  • King Friday's Castle (exterior - intro only)
  • Trolley Tracks/Underpass
  • Henrietta's Schoolhouse (intro only)
  • X's Tree (intro only)
  • King Friday's Throne Room


  • Francis C. Manitoba (Norman Welsh)
  • Yukon the Monkey (George Merten, puppeteer; Jack Mather, voice)




Episode Credits

Created by Fred Rogers
Guest: Norman Welsh
Guest puppeteer: George Merten
Voice: Jack Mather
Music performed by Lou Snider
Assistant Puppeteer: Nancy Hazell
Settings designed by Vera Kochanski
Audio: Tak Iwata
Lighting Direction: John Bryden
Technical Producer: Merv Curley
Produced by Francis Chapman

This has been a CBC Television Production
CBC Radio-Canada

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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