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Garfield and Friends

On a 1994 episode of Garfield and Friends titled "Thoroughly Mixed-Up Mouse," two mice (Floyd and Irwin) find themselves in the Arbuckle house. Irwin has decided that he would much prefer the lifestlye of a cat and uses a familiar image to try and convince Floyd.


FLOYD: Irwin, you're a mouse. You can't be a cat!

IRWIN: Why not? Every mouse should have the right to be a cat! (turns on TV) Didn't you ever see this guy who does this TV show for kids?

MAN ON TV: And you can be anything you want to be, boys and girls. Anything at all.

IRWIN: You see? You see? He says I can be whatever I wanna be. Well, what I want to be is a cat.

FLOYD: Irwin! He means you can be successful or have any kind of job you want. He doesn't mean you can change your species!

Gar-Fred's Neighborhood Statue

According to

For Garfield’s 25th Birthday, 25 molded statues were created out of the same basic mold. Each one was commissioned mostly by not for profit organization to ultimately be a fund raiser. Each statue was painted and decorated appropriately to represent the organization that it was commissioned by.

At first all of the finished statues were displayed together. The original plan was to sell the statues on E-bay as a fund raiser. Due to a higher starting bid, most of the statues were not sold at auction.

After the 25th Birthday celebration the statues dispersed back into the community. Most returned to the organizations that commissioned them.

[This statue] was originally displayed in a public television station lobby but when the lobby was re-modeled it was put in storage.

On February 27, 2003 Public television celebrity, educator, and ordained Presbyterian Minister Mr. Fred Rogers, known for the Public Television show, “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood” passed away at the age of 74.  Saddened by this news, the Muncie based Public Television station decided it was appropriate to decorate their statue in tribute to Mr. Rogers.

[Photo courtesy of]

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Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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