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Daniel Visits the Dentist

Episode: 406a
Air Date: January 7, 2019
Previous Episode: 405b - A New Friend at the Playground
Next Episode: 406b - Daniel's First Haircut
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Daniel Tiger brushes his teeth In preparation for his appointment with the Neighborhood dentist, Dr. Platypus. Daniel shares his feelings of nervousness on the way to Dr. Plat's office and Mom Tiger explains what he can expect during his appointment. She suggests that Daniel pretend to do a "quiet roar" when it's time for him to open wide.

In the waiting room, Daniel is happy to find a picture of Tigey the Adventure Tiger on the wall as well as several toys to play with. He make-believes that he is a dentist.

Before Dr. Plat checks Daniel's teeth, she shows him the tools she will use. While she cleans Daniel's teeth completes the check-up, he pretends to do the same to a toy dinosaur from the waiting room. When the exam is complete, Daniel receives a new tooth brush and a sticker.


  • "When we do something new, let's talk about what we'll do."


Appearing In This Episode


The strategy used in this episode -- "When we do something new, let's talk about what we'll do." -- is the same one used in Episode 102.

The storyline from this episode is featured in the book Daniel Goes to the Dentist.



Episode Credits

Written by Kevin Monk
Created by Angela C. Santomero
Based on the work of Fred Rogers

© 2018 The Fred Rogers Company

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Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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