THE NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHIVE - All Things Mister Rogers | ||
Tutu All the TimeEpisode: 134b Daniel Tiger has just arrived at school and is greeted by Katerina Kittycat who is wearing a glittery tutu. Preparing to paint, Daniel puts on a smock but Katerina does not want to cover up her tutu. As they paint pictures of Prince Wednesday, Katerina's paint splatters on her tutu which makes her very sad. After Teacher Harriet helps her clean up, Katerina is reminded to choose appropriate clothing for what she is doing. Daniel and his friends pretend to be bears as they crawl around the play area. Daniel make-believes that he is in a cave with a real grizzly bear. When the friends make a cave of their own out of blocks, Katerina's tutu is too big to fit into the opening. She wants to play bears and realizes that in order to do so, she needs to wear something different. Strategy
SongsAppearing In This Episode
Live Action SegmentThe live action segment following this episode includes two children playing a game where they must choose the correct clothes for certain situations.
NotesThis episode is featured on the You Are Special, Daniel Tiger DVD release. Images
Episode CreditsStory by Angela C. Santomero & Becky Friedman © 2013 The Fred Rogers Company |
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Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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