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Daniel Doesn't Want To Stop Playing

Episode: 127b
Air Date: May 22, 2013
Previous Episode: 127a - It's Time To Go
Next Episode: 128a - Safety Patrol
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Daniel Tiger is playing with his toy Trolley and models of the Neighborhood. Mom Tiger pretends to be Baker Aker as Daniel plays like he is picking up a birthday cake at the bakery. Dad Tiger pretends to be Mr. McFeely delivering a package.

Daniel make-believes that Trolley takes him for some fun and adventurous rides. When Mom Tiger tells Daniel that it's time to stop playing and time to finish work on his show-and-tell book, Daniel does not want to stop. Given the chance pick one more thing to do, Daniel chooses to make one more pretend delivery.

With his art supplies ready, Daniel finishes the final page of his book. Having fun decorating his book, Daniel has to be reminded when it's time for bed and is given the opportunity to do one more thing. Daniel chooses to add some extra glitter to his book.

Moving on to his bedroom, Daniel puts on his Trolley pajamas and brushes his teeth. Dad Tiger and Mom Tiger let Daniel choose between a song and a book before bed. Daniel chooses a song.


  • "It's almost time to stop so choose one more thing to do."
  • "That was fun but now it's done."


Appearing In This Episode

Live Action Segment

The live action segment following this episode includes a girl visiting her friend from out of town.



As Daniel and his mother play, she pretends to be Baker Aker and mentions that "Daniel likes smooshy yummy cake." This is in reference to events that took place in Episode 101a.

Daniel's model Neighborhood is a clear reference to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe models used by Mister Rogers on the original Neighborhood program.

This episode is featured on the DVD releases Super Daniel and Family Fun Collection.



Episode Credits

Story by Angela C. Santomero and Becky Friedman
Written by Wendy Harris
Created by Angela C. Santomero
Based on the work of Fred Rogers

© 2013 The Fred Rogers Company

Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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