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Bye Bye, Book

Episode: 117a
Air Date: August 12, 2021
Previous Episode: 116b - Panda Hodie
Next Episode: 117b - Tater Buddies
Purchase/Stream: Amazon

Donkey Hodie is intrigued by the Book Swap Box being built by Duck Duck. The box offers others the opportunity to share by bringing a book to leave and taking new book with them in return. Donkey leaves one of her Hee Haw Hannah books and chooses the book left by Duck Duck to take with her.

Duck Duck has a hard time seeing one of her favorite books go away. When Donkey learns how much Duck Duck misses the book, she offers to return it but Duck Duck recognizes that sharing sometimes involves saying goodbye to things you like. Donkey Hodie recalls a time she said goodbye to a favorite toy which helps Duck Duck to feel better.

When Donkey finishes the book, she returns it to the Book Swap Box where Purple Panda promptly chooses to borrow it. Duck Duck feels nervous when she learns that the book will be going all the way to Planet Purple. Harriett Elizabeth Cow helps Duck Duck to feel better about giving away something she loves by placing a goodbye poem inside the book.


Appearing In This Episode



Episode Credits

Created by Adam Rudman & David Rudman
Developed by Ellen Doherty
Inspired by the work of Fred Rogers

© 2021 The Fred Rogers Company

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