THE NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHIVE - All Things Mister Rogers | ||
The Children's Corner: Episode 4088Broadcast Date: Undetermined After welcoming the viewer with the Why Hi Song, Josie shows a collection of cards she has received in the mail from viewers in preparation for the Mother's Day contest the following day. Daniel Striped Tiger interrupts to show her some mittens he received from a viewer (Pam). Pam sent them to him so he can keep his hands warm while he goes shopping for hamburger. Today, Daniel and his friends are having a party with roast hamburger and marshmallows to celebrate the anniversary of Peter Minuit's purchase of Manhattan. In the Attic, Phil and Rhoda Dendron have a discussion over whether to name their new baby Nasturtium (after Phil's great-grandmother) or Chrysanthemum. In the meantime, Josie attempts to convert Gramma Phone into a television set, resulting in several rather dramatic explosions when the wrong wires are crossed multiple times. Several other inhabitants of the Attic offer their thoughts on Gramma Phone's conversion and the Dendrons' baby name, including Ino Horse, Bill Bookworm, Foo Foo Fish, Teop, Lydia Lamp, Lawrence Light, and F.E. (a toy fire engine that speaks only using the first letter of each word). Lydia seems to be planning a wedding. Finally, Hischer (who is being Thomas Alva Edison for the day) assists Josie in the successful conversion of Gramma Phone into a television set broadcasting "GP-TV." Downstairs, Josie introduces Dr. Taylor... Josie thanks Dr. Taylor for his visit before wishing several viewers a happy birthday and singing the traditional Happy Birthday song. She then sings Mairzy Doats for all the viewers and shows the new additions to her Scrap-o-graph book -- a scrapbook with pictures and mail from viewers. King Friday wanders by, still looking for a kingdom. He has just come from Cleveland where he went to see if they wanted him to be their king. Unfortunately Cleveland is a city, not a country, and therefore does not need a king. A personal advisor did offer him a suggestion however, that he teach a course, so he decides he will teach a course on how to be a king. At the request of viewers, Josie does an encore recitation of The Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. Daniel pops back out of the Cuckoo Clock to let Josie know that he is on his way to buy hamburger and it is about 1 minute to six. Josie reminds viewers of the party tomorrow and then concludes with the So Long Song. Screenshots
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Episode CreditsThe Childrens' Corner [sic] |
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