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Things May Change and That's Okay (v1)

Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way

Every morning I eat the same food
But this time I'll try something new
Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way

We read the same book every night
But we might read a different one and that's alright
Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way

There isn't any more of my favorite snack
But I can find a way to make things okay
Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way

Things may change and that's okay
And tomorrow is a brand new day

It feels so good to say
A different way is okay
Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way

Doesn't it feel good to say
I can find a new way to play
Doesn't it feel good to know
You can choose a different seat
Doesn't it feel good to know
You can choose a different snack to eat

It feels so good to say
A different way is okay
Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way

Doesn't it feel great to say
I'm getting bigger each and every day
It feels so good to know
That you can play with a different friend
So good to know you can find
A different way to pretend

It feels so good to say
A different way is okay
You're big enough to say
A different way is okay

It's good to be flexible if there's a change in your schedule.
If it's not part of your routine it's a chance to try new things.

Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way

When our plans change suddenly
It's a chance for us to try things a little differently
So try it out, take a chance
Later that day you might be happy that your plans changed

Things may change and that's okay
Today we'll try a different way

Maybe many things change or maybe just one
Sometimes different can be so fun

When our plans change suddenly
It's a chance for us to try things a little differently
So try it out, take a chance
Later that day you might be happy that your plans changed

Things may change and that's okay
Today we'll try a different way
Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way
Things may change and that's okay
Today we can do things a different way
Today we can do things a different way


Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

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