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Grown-Ups Come Back (v1)

Even when we go away
Grown-ups come back

Will you pick me up when I go to school?
Yep, at the end of the day because that's the rule
Grown-ups come back

Grown-ups come back to you
Grown-ups come back they do
Grown-ups come back

Will you come back from work at the end of the day?
Yep, I'll come back home and then we can play
Grown-ups come back

Grown-ups come back to you
Grown-ups come back they do
Grown-ups come back

What about when mom and dad go out on a date?
They'll kiss you goodnight and they'll be there when you wake
Grown-ups come back

Grown-ups come back to you
Grown-ups come back they do
Grown-ups come back
Grown-ups come back

What about when mom drops me off at school
At the end of the day she'll come and pick you up too
Grown-ups come back

Grown-ups come back to you
Grown-ups come back they do
Grown-ups come back
Grown-ups come back


In Episode 411b, a different version of this song was introduced.


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Content copyright © The Fred Rogers Company. Used with permission.
Corner image by Spencer Fruhling. Used with permission.
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