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Started by Dais79, July 05, 2011, 12:51:32 PM

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These are in the collection of our local Children's museum.  They are in GREAT shape!!
"You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. And, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving."
- Fred Rogers


Gee, I didn't realize I had museum artificats.  I'll remember that the next time we're playing with them.  Once-in-awhile the puppets will pop up on ebay, from where I bought mine last year.  Thanks for sharing!


LOL!!!  :)

At the Fred Rogers Center, they had a PRISTINE plastic trolley behind glass. . .the same one that my kids run wildly around the house with, making the music play at warp speed. . . and that I tripped over one day and broke half of the yellow "Neighborhood Trolley" sign off of. . .oh, well!  At least someone is taking good care of these artifacts so we can play with ours!!!  :)

Do you have all three of these puppets?  How fun!
"You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. And, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving."
- Fred Rogers


I've been to The Fred Rogers Center three times and have never seen the plastic toy trolley there.
Did you take a photo? I thought I scoured that place!


I didn't take a picture of that case :(  Actually, I barely had time to look at it since my kids were off to check out the dinosaur!!!  Downstairs, across from where you can look through the little windows into the actual archive. . . on the back side of the mural, there are a bunch of toys and memorabilia in a case.  I really regret not having more time to look downstairs and observe these more closely!  I got some pictures through the windows of the archive at the puppets/shoes/castle displayed down there, but not of that memorabilia case.

I love that there is an online version of the upstairs exhibit, since I was experiencing it with the kids and answering their questions, I didn't get to watch a lot of the interactive parts, but now I can go back and do that from my couch! :)
"You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. And, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving."
- Fred Rogers


Oh, downstairs! Hmmm.. let me check my own photos.
Shame on me for not remembering it being there.
Of course, the center is so rich with wonderful and original pieces, I was no doubt overwhelmed by those rarities moreso than the toy also in my living room


Let me know if you have a picture of that case!  I want to go back someday and experience it all again. . .I only looked for a few seconds before I got sidetracked by the artifacts on the other side. . .after all of the incredible things we saw upstairs I couldn't believe there was more!! :)
"You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. And, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving."
- Fred Rogers


I recently had my visit at the Fred Rogers Center and had a wonderful visit with a few surprises.

First, I wanted to mention that I did take a photo of the case downstairs that has the plastic trolley.
The things in this case are all different from what was displayed last year.
I wish I had a filter on my lens because both years, I've gotten really bad reflection glare but I did manage to get a few pictures anyway.
Pictures should be clickable to see full-size.

In addition to the wonderful record player being displayed, was a really cute mosaic of King Friday.
I just loved it and wondered if it was some original art or possibly from a kit that had been manufactured for sale.
I am thinking it is a one-of-a-kind someone made for Fred as a gift.

We were also extremely pleased to find a letter in the upstairs display case that my daughter had "mailed" in the Speedy Delivery mailing slot back in June of 2009!
This was our first visit to the center and she wrote another one last year which I took photos of so I know it's from the year before!
We are so lucky that we were able to see her turn being featured in the case along with other letters.


Oh, beautiful!!!  Just beautiful!!  Great pictures, and it looks like you had a fantastic visit.  How special that your daughter's letter is in the case!!!  :)  We wrote one and I wish I would have taken a picture of it before we dropped it in the slot so I could remember what I said!  The whole exhibit made me teary eyed, I got teary eyed writing the letter, everything just made me well up with tears it was all so lovely. 
Thanks so much for sharing your pictures with us- now I can see the case! It's just like going back! :)

And PS I love that mosaic of King Friday- wow.
"You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. And, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving."
- Fred Rogers


Thank you, Dais.
Yes, we had a wonderful visit, once again. The letter being in the case was a wonderful bonus!
My older daughter walked over to the case first thing, before the rest of us, and she had such a look on her face that I knew!
Ran over to the case and we had to smile.
I also wrote a letter that we dropped in, but not sure if that was last year or the year before.
Maybe it was in the case at one time, as well.
I'm very happy we got to see this one even moreso than my own.
My daughter wrote that when she had recently turned 5.

Eric S

The mosaic of King Friday was used in one of the episodes where the King ordered everyone to do a portrait of him.

Neighborhood Archive

Here's a screenshot of the mosaic as it was used in Episode 1643:

As Eric said, this is from the Art week when everyone was instructed to create portraits of King Friday. This mosaic was the portrait brought to the Neighborhood from Westwood by Mayor Maggie and Neighbor Aber.


Oh, it's wonderful! And come to think of it, I watched some of that week online and when I went to complete the week on the television, I could not find it.
So we never finished the week or I would have surely exclaimed upon seeing the beautiful mosaic in the case.
I was so drawn to it and tried my best to photograph it straight on.
I would have needed a step stool to reach the height and next time, you can bet I will be bold and bring one inside with me!
Thank you for posting this wonderful information!


OperaLover, you are right, the mosaic is SO beautiful!!!  Was Art week when Ms. Paulificate made the bedazzled King Friday jean jacket??? 
"You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. And, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving."
- Fred Rogers

Lawrence Martin

yes that is right the Art week will always be my top favorite week of course I have others as well
your neighbor
Neighbor Lawrence L Martin :)