Episode Guide main page suggestion

Started by PaulKTF, June 06, 2015, 05:39:58 AM

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I had an idea for the main page of the Episode Guide.

Instead of just listing the episode numbers, could you also list the names of the themes of the weeks (when and where applicable)?

Just an idea. :)

Neighborhood Archive

That's already on there. Click "BY TOPIC" at the top of the page.


Quote from: Neighborhood Archive on June 06, 2015, 07:19:58 AM
That's already on there. Click "BY TOPIC" at the top of the page.

Oh my god, i am an idiot! How did I miss that?!

I think I may need new glasses!

Ahem... Well, um... Never mind!  :-[

Neighborhood Archive

Ha! No worries. There's so much on this site anymore that it's hard to catch it all!


Quote from: Neighborhood Archive on June 06, 2015, 10:12:28 AM
Ha! No worries. There's so much on this site anymore that it's hard to catch it all!

You've given us a ton of really great material to comb through! I've spent an hour at a time just browsing the collectables and episode guide sections alone!


Reviving this topic, I have a few ideas:

-An index of episodes with notable guest stars
-A list of notable "first appearances"


Quote from: bjdwsm on May 17, 2016, 11:40:51 PM
Reviving this topic, I have a few ideas:

-An index of episodes with notable guest stars
-A list of notable "first appearances"

Those are both great ideas. :)

Neighborhood Archive

Both are indicated on individual pages (first appearances on character pages and guests on episode pages) but I agree that a comprehensive list would be helpful...especially a list of the various guests on the show. I'll add it to my running lists of ideas. Might be something I tackle this summer...


I'd also be interested in a little bit of "show evolution" stuff on the year-by-year listings, such as changes to the model/set/puppets, characters that first appear (or last appear) in that particular year, etc.